The Journey Continues
Celestial Essences

Celestial Essences was a locally owned business not too far from where I lived. They sold herbs, handmade soaps, essential oils and unusual jewelry among other things. It was a very inviting place with its soothing and relaxing environment and aroma. I would go there from time to time just to browse. On one such trip as I was checking out at the counter I noticed a flyer for an upcoming soap making class. I had an aha! moment and thought about what I could do with all of that rosemary…make herbal soap. So, I signed up for the class which was scheduled for November 8, 2009.
I Was Hooked
My first soap turned out really well and it smelled fantastic. I begin to self-educate buying books, collecting recipes and experimenting. I made mistakes (which I sometimes still do) in the beginning but learned quickly. Over time I got really good and began to create my own recipes. I was still working full time so I decided to test the waters by selling my soaps to co-workers (I had to do something with all that soap).

Business Grew What started as a hobby quickly grow into a small business. My daughter, who lived in Atlanta Georgia at the time began selling the soaps to co-workers and friends. I decided I needed a name for the business so that I could stop being called the “soap lady”. I had seen a Swahili word somewhere that I liked…I kept it but then mis-placed the piece of paper I thought I was sure of the spelling, but when I later found the piece of paper, I realized I had gotten the spelling all wrong…I came up TANZU, which was not correct but by now it was out there. So, I just kept it. It is a made-up word with no meaning.
The Logo for TANZU is an Adinkra Symbol meaning “Only God”…for it is only by His grace that TANZU is as successful as it is.
Product Expansion
Early in 2015 my daughter and business partner, and I decided to create other natural skin care products. We decided on Spring of 2016 as a launch time for expansion. However, on December 6, 2015 God unexpectedly called her home (this was extremely painful and continues to be so until this day). I lost a loving daughter, my best friend and my business partner all at the same time. I struggled with whether or not to continue the business but in early 2017 decided to take the leap of faith and test the waters once again. So, here I am in 2020 going strong with God’s grace enjoying the journey and taking it one day at a time. Peace!